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Shift 1.2 - Released 2017-12-31

  • Updated

Feature Updates:

  • Shift specific keyboard shortcuts allowing users to switch between Mail, Calendar, and Drive. For a more comprehensive list please click here.

  • Email notifications will now be sent to organizations when their credit card expires, gets canceled, or otherwise becomes invalid.

  • “Report a Bug Icon” has been replaced by an icon linking to the Shift Support Centre.

  • “Send Feedback Icon” now links to “Create a Ticket” window in the Shift Support Centre.  

  • The overhead “Help Menu” options now include links to the Shift Website, Shift Support Centre, and “Create a Ticket” page.

  • After uninstalling Shift on Windows, users will be greeted with a uninstall survey to leave feedback and comments.


Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved: Clicking desktop email notifications would direct to the tab last open in Shift.

    • Corrected so that clicking the notification will automatically direct users to the corresponding inbox.

  • Resolved: Selecting the Back Button navigates back in all tabs (Calendar, Drive, and Mail).
    • Clicking the Back Button in Shift will now send users to the previous window in the tab they are currently viewing.

  • Resolved: “Compose an Email from Account” shortcut fails in Office365 accounts.

    • Using the “Compose an Email from Account” shortcut will work correctly in Office365 accounts and open a composition window.

  • Resolved: When authenticating accounts after logging into an existing Shift account, Outlook365 account login window appears as a Gmail login window.

    • Now, when logging into Outlook365 accounts, the login window will appear as an Outlook365 login instead of a Gmail one.

  • Resolved: Clicking shortcuts buttons included in emails fails to redirect to the corresponding link.

    • Corrected so that clicking the link will redirect to the correct website in the user’s default browser.

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