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Update on the Custom Image feature of Workspace and Bookmarks Bar

  • Updated


Recently, Google has implemented enhanced security measures to ensure the safety and integrity of Shift. As a result, Shift users can no longer upload custom images to their Worksapces and Bookmark Bar.

What's Changing? 

On Match 8th, 2024, the ability to upload a custom image to Workspaces and Bookmark Bars on all versions of Shift will no longer be supported. You will still be able to choose an email Avatar (based on your email’s image settings) and an icon from the standard icon library. The deprecation of this setting will be reflected in the Shift user interface on versions 9.2.5 and higher:


  1. Email-connected Workspaces and Bookmark Bars: Option to choose between an Avatar based on the image in your email settings or select from the provided standard icon library. 

  2. S tandalone Workspaces and Bookmark Bars : Select from the provided standard icon library.

What Can I Do?

If you’d like to upload a custom image for a Workspace or Bookmark Bar, do so before March 8th, 2024. Any custom images uploaded before this date will be maintained and will display normally, even after the deprecation date. After March 8th, 2024, the ability to upload a custom image will no longer be supported across all versions of Shift. 


We always recommend running the latest version of Shift. If you’re using a version older than v9.2.5, the option to upload a custom image will still show in the Shift interface, however, it will not work.

What Happens to Existing Custom Images?

All previously uploaded custom images will continue to display as they do today, even after removing the option to upload a custom image. However, please note that if you wish to change your Workspace or Bookmark Bar image in the future, you will no longer have the option to select a custom image and will be restricted to the options outlined above.

Why is this Changing?

This change is necessary to ensure our browser's continued security and integrity, aligning with OAuth security guidelines and best practices. While we understand this feature may be important to some users, prioritizing security is essential to maintaining a safe browsing experience for all our customers.

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