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Apps: Using Slack in Shift

  • Updated

Are you a Slack user and want to use the app in Shift? Here's how to add and manage Slack in Shift!

Slack in Shift works just like Slack in a browser. Shift uses the browser/web version of Slack and offers the same functionality as the browser version. This is different than the desktop or mobile version.

Want to access your Slack app in another Workspace? 

With all apps in Shift, you can create a shortcut to access them in any Workspace you choose. Check out this great resource on how to accomplish that here: All About App Shortcuts.

How to add Slack to Shift

  1. Open Shift
  2. Click on the plus sign (+) in the lower-left corner
  3. Click  "Add Application"
  4. Type 'Slack' in the search bar
  5. Enter your Team domain
  6. Click 'Save' and find 'Slack' added to the Shift sidebar.

If you're part of multiple Slack workspaces, the best way to access them is to add multiple instances of Slack, one for each workspace. Repeat the steps above to add additional Slack apps.

**The video above shows how to add Slack to Shift with the instructions described above.

How to add Team Domain to the Slack app in Shift

  1. Check your Team Domain from your work. The domain should be ""
  2. Open the Slack app in Shift
  3. Add the work domain under the "Team Domain" option. Please note that the domain already contains "" in Shift, so only put the Workspace's name. You may receive an error message saying "invalid team domain" if you put "" twice
  4. Click Save

How to manage your in-app Slack preferences

  1. In Slack, click on your domain in the upper left corner
  2. Select "Preferences"
  3. Set your preferences for your Notifications, Theme, and more

If you're part of a Slack Enterprise Grid plan, your notification preferences will apply to all Workspaces within the plan (i.e. you cannot set separate notificaiton preferences for Workspaces part of the same Enterprise plan).

Known Issues with Slack

Currently, there is an issue when opening the mini-window function in a Slack huddle. It will open in a blank tab. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. You can keep updated on this issue by keeping an eye on this support article: Opening a mini window function on Slack Huddle doesn't work.

Want to have a quick demo video of using Slack in Shift? For a more accessible version of this video with subtitles, please click the link to view in YouTube where subtitle settings can be turned on. 

 Check out this video on Slack in Shift on YouTube.

**The video above, is a Youtube video that demonstrates how to use Slack in Shift.

What's next?

Read more guides for Shift here.


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