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Andrew B. and Shift: CMTO and Entrepreneur

  • Updated

We sat down with Andrew to chat about how he and his team have streamlined their workflows. Check out the recap of our conversation, below!

** Andrew is using the old version of Shift (v7). Check out the new version of Shift (v9), here. **


As the Chief Marketing Technology Officer at Semper Foods, Andrew leads a business operations team as well as a sales team. In this leadership role, Andrew is involved in almost every aspect of the business, overviewing the company's technology stack, leading product marketing efforts, managing social media accounts, and leading business operations to ensure his team is not over or underutilized. 

In addition to the many hats he wears at Semper Foods, Andrew is also the founder of two start-ups in the technology space. 

Outside of work, you can find Andrew practicing his golf game, getting turns in on the Colorado ski slopes, and connecting with others in different industries to learn about the technologies they're using.

Discovering Shift

Prior to Shift, Andrew was victim to his native browser, having 5-6 separate browser windows open at any given time, each window loaded with 30-40 browser tabs. As you might imagine, this proved to be a very inefficient way of managing his workflow and Andrew often found himself in a vicious cycle of creating new tabs for the same website that was already open somewhere else. 

Andrew's "aha" moment came when he realized how inconvenient it was not being able to be signed in to more than 1 email account within his native browser; constantly signing in and out of his emails when context-switching between his responsibilities was not doing him any favors. After seeing a social media ad, Andrew created his free account and activated a free 7-day trial of Advanced features. Instantly, he loved that Shift allowed him to stay signed in to all his Gmail accounts along with quick access to the Calendar and Google Drive services associated with each specific email. 

"My accounts were set up within minutes and from day one, I could seamlessly switch between my Gmail accounts." 

Andrew has been using Shift as his daily driver since July of 2020 and has been a Teams user since August of 2021.

The Use Case for Andrew and his Team

Andrew gets the most value out of Shift by creating dedicated spaces for each aspect of his role. By tailoring his Workspaces around the different aspects of his role (e.g. a Marketing Workspace with HubSpot and Google Analytics, a Sales Workspace with bookmarked reports, dashboards, and vendor inventory lists), he can jump in and out of spaces without losing the focus that's so easily lost in a sea of web tabs.

"[Shift] not only declutters my workflow, but it also allows me and my computer to run more efficiently."

For his team, it's all about flexibility. Shift gives Andrew and his team the desktop client email experience that they need (easy access to their calendars and Google Drive services), with the added benefit of being able to add whatever digital applications they rely on in their day-to-day.

Implementing Shift

For any new employee joining the team, Shift is the first tool they're onboarded to. After watching Shift's introductory video to get an understanding of what the tool's capable of, they get access to their Shift account which has already been set up with their Google Workspace tools (Gmail, Drive, Voice, Chat, etc...). From there, it's explained that everyone's Shift experience is different and that they can add whatever apps, Workspaces, and bookmarks that are relevant to their specific workflow. 

"It's all about pointing them in the right direction and setting the expectation that they can tailor [Shift] around their workflow needs."

Connect with Andrew on LinkedIn, here.

What's next?

Ready to try Shift for yourself? Download now!

Find quick tips and best practices in our Getting Started section here.

Read about other Shift Case Studies here.

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