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Andrew C. and Shift: Founder, Branding Expert and Tech Enthusiast

  • Updated

We spoke with Andrew, Founder/President at Cantor Design, about how using Shift has helped him adapt to the changes in the business world and make his workflow more seamless. Read more below!

** Andrew is using the old version of Shift (v7). Check out the new version of Shift (v9), here. **

Andrew is the founder of Cantor Design, which offers its clients a full range of marketing and communications services including branding, strategic development, comprehensive multimedia programs, and more. Andrew has been using Shift since May 2020.

The Need for Shift

Andrew could observe a 'shift' in the market way before the COVID-19 pandemic, which brought about inevitable changes in his business. Andrew's need for Shift first arose when he needed a communication tool to coordinate with his team and run his business. Furthermore, Andrew was tired of switching between his Gmail and apps, while also keeping track of his to-do list. Switching between these services was often very time-consuming. He tried several different email solutions to work more efficiently but noticed that these "solutions" changed the friendly Gmail interface he was so used to. That's when Andrew found Shift. With Shift, Andrew combined all his apps into a single platform and it allowed him to use Gmail with an interface he was comfortable using.


"I couldn't find anything that matched Shift and what it does."


The Benefits of Shift

As soon as Andrew transitioned to Shift, he realized how much time and effort he saved by having all his go-to apps like Asana and Slack in one place. He also enjoyed the performance improvements that came along with consolidating everything into a single platform. Andrew often switches between computers, and Shift makes it easy to do that. Whenever Andrew is focusing on writing a piece of code, he doesn't have to fret about finding all his notifications, since they're all available within Shift. Andrew has been using Shift since May 2020. As he often gets bored with software and likes to change things up, he even tried looking for another solution but hasn't found anything like Shift that meets his needs.


"I often challenge myself to find a new tool, and I haven't had to do that with Shift. Shift has kept itself interesting as it develops and grows."


Andrew's Life Outside of Work

Outside Andrew's hectic, yet rewarding work life, he takes time to experience things that bring him joy. He relishes listening to music, exploring art, and playing tennis. All-in-all, Andrew enjoys his friends and family and is always planning things with the people he cherishes the most. 

Andrew is the founder and president of Cantor Design, providing services in branding, strategic development, and comprehensive multimedia programs. Be sure to check out his website!


What's next?

Ready to try Shift for yourself? Download now!

Find quick tips and best practices in our Getting Started section here.

Read about other Shift Case Studies here.

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