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Adam and Shift: Co-Founder, CEO, and Entrepreneur

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We spoke with Adam, Co-Founder & CEO, and how using Shift has helped him manage his businesses and make his workflow more seamless. Read more below!


Adam is the co-founder of Return, a compost, soil, and fertilizer company based in southeastern Minnesota. Return Living Soils and Plant Foods believes that soil health affects the health of our planet and all of the people on it. They exist to help bring good soil to life. Alongside Return, Adam also owns and manages two other businesses. One of them is his own farm where they grow small grains in a regenerative organic setting. The other one is a production company called The Factory, which produces commercials, documentaries, and narrative films. Adam has been using Shift since September 2021.

The need for Shift

Prior to Shift, Adam's workflow was spread out across a glut of web tabs and browser windows. As one can imagine, managing his team as the CEO at Return while also growing his other two businesses comes with a spectrum of responsibilities. With so many different aspects of his professional life happening all at once, Adam sought a solution that would help him manage his emails and apps, while also saving him more time. While looking for such a solution, Adam stumbled across Shift. He shared Shift with the IT manager at his company and both of them were quite impressed with its functionality. Adam decided to add his work emails and apps to see how Shift supported his workflow and hasn't looked back.

"Our IT manager was amazed by Shift's functionality and I felt quite confident to use Shift as my go-to work tool." 

The benefits of Shift

After using Shift, Adam realized how organized his workflow became by having his work apps like Asana, Slack, 15Five, Zenefits, and all his emails in one place. He realized how much time he saved by not having to switch between countless windows and tabs. This helped him prioritize the tasks he knew needed his focus and also helped him find a better work-life balance. Adam found Shift so helpful that he got seven other members from Return to join Shift through Shift's enterprise plan option, Shift for Teams.

"Shift saved my life!" 


Adam's life outside of work

Outside Adam's very busy work life and being a dad, he's recently taken up surfing as his primary hobby. He is also preparing to run a marathon later this summer. He shared with us that the trick to running a marathon is to get used to hitting the pavement. Once your legs get acclimatized to moving for longer periods of time, running a marathon becomes less challenging.
Adam is the co-founder and CEO of Return. Be sure to check out his website!

What's next?

Ready to try Shift for yourself? Download now!

Find quick tips and best practices in our Getting Started section here.

Read about other Shift Case Studies here.

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