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Andy and Shift: SEO Expert and Startup Founder

  • Updated

We chatted with Andy, SEO consultant, startup founder, and all-around tech enthusiast. Watch and read about how Shift has helped simplify his hectic work life and allows him to spend more time on what matters.

** Andrew is using the old version of Shift (v7). Check out the new version of Shift (v9), here. **

The Need for Shift

With nearly 10 years of experience in a consulting and startup capacity, this UK native was no stranger to web tab madness. In addition to SEO consulting and running a new SaaS startup, Andy also does agency work. With all three on the go, Andy has a ton of emails and multiple Asana and Trello boards. Like many others, before Shift, Andy tried using his browser to manage everything. Even with profiles, Andy was still missing notifications and spending time logging in and out of his different accounts; time that could have been spent focusing on running his businesses. Traditional browsers offered no way to log into multiple of the same account without having to log in and out. Notification management was another challenge. There are little to no settings within browsers, and many email clients don't offer a way to manage them effectively, as popups are constant.


"Before Shift, it was just so time-consuming and frustrating, with passwords everywhere and logging in and out of many different things. Using Shift has made my life simpler."


The Benefits of Shift

Andy discovered Shift through his business partner. One day, Andy noticed how quickly and smoothly his business partner was going into all his email accounts and multiple Asana and Trello accounts. Once he saw it and tried it for himself, he knew it was a game-changer. Shift speeds up Andy's work tremendously and helps ensure he doesn't miss anything. He has numerous emails added to his setup that he doesn't check as often as others. Shift's notification management shows him if there's been any activity in those accounts he doesn't check as often. Having a singular view that shows unread badges for new activity at a glance is much more effective for Andy.

On top of all this, the biggest benefit Andy has experienced from using Shift is the reduction in stress and cognitive load. This has allowed Andy to focus more on where his expertise is needed: running his business and helping his clients. 


"It saves me heaps of time and just gives me a lot of mental clarity."


Andy's Recommended Reading

For an honest look at the ups and downs that come with startup life and the challenges that come with raising venture capital, Andy recommends reading Lost and Founder by Rand Fishkin. Even if you're not working at a startup, he recommends reading it anyway, as it's an easy read that's full of valuable insights about decision-making and leadership, all through a humorous lens.

Andy is an SEO expert and consultant. Check out his website here.

What's next?

Ready to try Shift for yourself? Download now!

Find quick tips and best practices in our Getting Started section here.

Read about other Shift Case Studies here.

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