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Giuliano and Shift: Accredited Executive Coach

  • Updated

We sat down with Giuliano to learn more about how using Shift has helped him adapt to the workflow challenges posed by a world of remote work. Read more below!

** Giuliano is using the old version of Shift (v7). Check out the new version of Shift (v9), here. **


Giuliano is an accredited coach at Blue Steps Consulting, a coaching service for all things related to career development, leadership training, and management. In his every day at Blue Steps, Guiliano offers private coaching for individuals as well as team-based coaching tailored around the specific business needs of larger organizations. 

Outside of his busy work life coaching individuals and organizations, this Australian native enjoys all the perks of living right next to the ocean, such as swimming, diving, snorkeling, and surfing.

The Need for Shift

A career in the coaching industry entails a plethora of emails, credentials, documents, videos, and bookmarks to stay on top of client needs while conducting effective workshops. Prior to discovering Shift in 2019, he recalls having upwards of 100+ tabs open in a disorganized fashion which impacted his ability to effectively serve his clients. Working on web development, Giuliano would often have to clear his cache which meant being logged out of all the account tabs that he worked so hard to open and organize in a somewhat coherent way.


"Just classic, loads of different tabs... signing-in and singing-out... it drove me crazy!"


Giuliano's Experience with Shift

Giuliano discovered Shift through a personalized ad that instantly caught his attention by asking him a simple question: "Do you hate having a plethora of web tabs opened?". He later saw a demo of how Shift works and was instantly sold on the fact that Shift would allow him to consolidate all his email accounts, apps, and bookmarks in an easy-to-digest way. Giuliano has streamlined apps such as Slack, Asana, 1Password, LinkedIn, and Miro all within Shift. 

Giuliano also noticed how Shift helped him adapt to a virtual world post-pandemic. He was able to offer virtual coaching to his clients without any hiccups as Shift kept everything organized and tidy for him. Consequently, he was able to provide more value to his clients during coaching sessions as he would have all his material ready for him, at a moment's click, all within Shift. When spending a little bit of time outside of Shift, he realized how much value Shift really brought to his workflow and how his browsing habits had been changed for the better.

Like many others, Giuliano's favorite Shift feature is being able to create groupings of applications, bookmarks, and web tabs via WorkspacesWhenever he is involved in big workshops, where there are a lot of complicated moving parts, he finds having a dedicated Workspace for that workshop to be extremely helpful and pragmatic. Giuliano's use of Workspaces is often temporary. When he is working on a project, he often creates a Workspace for it, and as soon as he is done with the project he removes it from his sidebar to make some space for a new project.


"Shift is not something that you ever think you'll need, it's just after you use it you realize how did I actually function without it."


Connect with Giuliano on LinkedIn, here.

What's next?

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Read about other Shift Case Studies here.

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