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How to use link preview settings

  • Updated


Wondering how to turn off link previews? Continue reading to learn how! 🕵️‍♀️

What does a link preview look like?

Link previews will appear in the lower left corner of Shift when you hover your mouse over a link. Sometimes, these link previews can get in the way and interfere with other functions. Take our example below from Slack. The link preview can get in the way of knowing when one of your colleagues is sending you a message:

How to turn off link previews

You can turn off preview links in Shift with a few clicks:

  1. Go to quick settings at the top right corner of Shift
  2. Scroll down to advanced settings
  3. Navigate to the "appearance"
  4. Go to "Link address preview" and turn off the setting

What's next?

Have questions? We're here to help you! Our Support Team would be happy to assist!

Learn how to use more settings in Shift here.

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