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Allysen and Shift: Co-Owner & Creative Director

  • Updated

We sat down with Allysen to chat about why she and her team use Shift as their daily driver. Check out the recap of our conversation, below!



** Allysen is using the old version of Shift (v7). Check out the new version of Shift (v9), here. **


Allysen is the co-owner and Creative Director of Prymel Elements, a branding and consulting agency specializing primarily in minority and women-owned businesses. Prymel Elements offers services such as brand development, branding strategy, mission, vision, core value development, and target audience development. Allysen and her business partner pilot a team of 12-strong and have well over 300 clients across the United States and the Caribbean. 

The Need for Shift

From the inception of Allysen's work with Prymel Elements, there has been a need for her to manage multiple Gmail accounts, project management tools, and other miscellaneous digital tools. Prior to Shift, Allysen would constantly jump between desktop applications and her browser tabs, which she felt was quite ineffective. It was at this point of realization that she began to look for a solution that had the capability to streamline all her email accounts and digital tools. She tried a few productivity applications but nothing really clicked for her. One day she came across Shift and she decided to give it a try. It became clear to her pretty quickly that Shift checked all her boxes!


"Shift gives all my emails, digital tools, and applications a space to call home!"


The Benefits of Shift

As soon as Allysen transitioned to Shift, she realized how much time and effort she saved by having all her go-to apps like Asana, ClickUp, Calendly, Google Keep, and WhatsApp in one place. Shift's native password management tool has helped Allysen manage all her accounts in Shift without having to fret about remembering her specific login credentials for specific apps. Allysen also really appreciates that she can open links outside of Shift when needed. With many moving parts in her workflow, Allysen prefers the flexibility of being able to open web tabs outside Shift as it helps her compartmentalize her workflow. 


"Shift helps to not only save time but also help you be more efficient so you can focus and make more money in your business."


She found Shift so helpful that she got two other members from Prymel Elements to join Shift through Shift's enterprise plan option, Shift for Teams. One of the key points Allysen raised with us is that Shift is extremely flexible and can be configured to suit every individual or business's specific workflow needs. 

She recommends Shift users take the time to understand the intricacies of their workflow to configure Shift such that it works for them to make life easier.

Allysen's Life Outside of Work

Outside Allysen's work-life, she takes time to experience things that bring her joy like traveling, reading books, and watching TV Shows. Allysen also plays the piano and sings, as she loves exploring her musical identity. Further, she finds great fulfillment in cooking and meal-prepping on the weekend, adding some Caribbean flair to her meals when possible!

Looking to improve your brand's identity and online presence? Schedule a consultation with Allysen and the Prymel Elements team, here.

What's next?

Ready to try Shift for yourself? Download now!

Find quick tips and best practices in our Getting Started section here.

Read about other Shift Case Studies here.

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