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All about using web apps in Shift

  • Updated

Wondering how to add an app to Shift or how to use multiple accounts of the same app? This article is for you! 

Shift Ultra supports most of the web apps that you need on your daily workflow! You can be logged into multiple different accounts of that app simultaneously. Multiple accounts/profiles of the same app? Just add another instance of the app to your setup and log into your other account. Adding web apps is easy! Follow our simple steps below.

Paid users can add an unlimited number of apps to their setups, while free users can add one instance of any app to their setup. More about plans here.


Check the full list of supported apps here.

How to add an app to Shift

  1. Click "+" in the bottom left corner and select "Add Application" 
  2. Scroll through categories on the left side or use the search bar on the right side
  3. Add the app to your sidebar by using the "+" in the upper right corner of the app
  4. Name the account, choose a color, select if you want the app as a shortcut under any other Workspaces
  5. Click "Save"

Your new app will appear on your sidebar. You can just as easily delete an app by right-clicking on it and selecting "Delete"

Can't find the app you're looking for? Tell us which one we should add next by completing our survey.


Find out how to add a custom app in Shift here.

How to add multiple profiles/accounts for the same app

Have multiple profiles or accounts for the same app? Simply add multiple instances of the app and log in with the respective account credentials! We recommend giving each a different color and name to help differentiate them in your sidebar. If you want to see the account details, click on the sidebar and then hover the mouse over the accounts. It will show the account names and details for you.

How to add an App Shortcut

App Shortcuts allow you to access the same app instance across multiple Workspaces, for easy navigation to your most used app accounts. Check out this article to learn more about adding app shortcuts in Shift.

What's next?

Find more resources, here.

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