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Jordan and Shift: Co-Founder and Creative Operations Manager

  • Updated

We sat down with Jordan to learn more about the role Shift has played in her business's growth. Check out the conversation, below!


** Jordan is using the old version of Shift (v7). Check out the new version of Shift (v8), here. **


Jordan is the Co-Founder of Raire Label, a creative agency based in New Orleans, Louisiana. Jordan established Raire Label in 2018 with her partner as an amalgamation of an agency that would focus on both personal and client-based projects. In addition to co-founding Raire Label, Jordan works as the Creative Operations Manager. She oversees the overall strategy and is responsible for identity development, creative production, and social media management. Jordan works with cultural-driven brands across various fields such as music, entertainment, and sports.


Outside of work, you can find Jordan exploring the streets of New Orleans and tasting gin cocktails at new-to-her establishments. She's a huge podcast enthusiast and highly recommends the "Think Fast, Talk Smart" podcast! 


The Need for Shift

With various responsibilities, Jordan often had countless web tabs opened and also had multiple windows opened in Google Chrome. Alongside Chrome, she would also use other software such as ClickUp and Evernote to keep track of her projects. While working, Jordan also likes to jam to some music on Spotify. Due to so many things going on simultaneously, Jordan felt that her screen was often crowded and disorganized. One fine day, when Jordan was doing a session on Instagram Live on upcoming tools and platforms, one of her friends recommended Shift as an organizational tool. 


"After signing up for Shift, I instantly noticed how my screen was more organized and accessible...I continued using Shift and never looked back!"

The Benefits of Shift

Jordan has consolidated her emails and applications like ClickUp, Evernote, Canva, and Spotify – all within Shift. One of the biggest benefits Jordan gets out of Shift is that all her email inboxes were accessible within one platform, rather than living in separate windows spread out across her computer. This helps her stay focused on her work without missing any important emails. Shift's Workspaces feature allows her to do ad-hoc web browsing whenever needed without losing the peace of mind that she can find exactly the right app, precisely when she needs it. 


"Shift is a great investment as it helps me save so much time during my day-to-day."


Looking to level up your brand identity? Connect with Jordan and the Raire Label team, here.

What's Next?

Ready to try Shift for yourself? Download now!

Find quick tips and best practices in our Getting Started section here.

Read about other Shift Case Studies here.

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