This article outlines what to do if you come across a continually pulsing blue dot when signing into Shift.
*This image displays the Shift signing page being interrupted by a blue dot in the middle of the screen. The rest of the login page is blank
Step 1: Hard Refresh Shift
Completing a hard refresh may resolve the issue. Press Ctrl Shift R (Windows) or Cmd Shift R (Mac) on your keyboard to hard refresh Shift.
Step 2: Uncheck the "Streamline Setup" option
Press the " < Back" button on this screen to get back to the main login page. Ensure that the "Streamline Setup" option is toggled OFF. Try logging in again.
Step 3: Other troubleshooting tips for communication error
This pulsing blue dot means something is preventing your server from communicating with Shift, consequently preventing a successful sign-in. Please click here to find out what to do when you encounter an issue with communicating with the Shift server.
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