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Kate and Shift: Leader and Marketing Director

  • Updated

We sat down with Kate, Director of Marketing for the 7th largest insurance wholesaler in the U.S., to chat about why she chose Shift as her daily driver. Check out the recap of our conversation, below!

** Kate is using the old version of Shift (v7). Check out the new version of Shift (v8), here. **

Kate is the Director of Marketing for Bigfoot Insurance, a division of One80 Intermediaries. With over 1300 employees, One80 Intermediaries is the 7th largest insurance wholesaler in the U.S. Kate's day-to-day involves leading both Bigfoot Insurance's wholesale and retail divisions, while also playing an integral leadership role in several other divisions of One80 Intermediaries. 

When she's not working, you can find Kate caring for her 6 horses and 5 mini-donkeys, exploring new hiking trails, and soaking up the Arizona sun on her paddleboard.

Discovering Shift

Like many others, prior to Shift, Kate's workflow was spread out across multiple web tabs and Chrome windows. When we asked what her "moment of realization" was, she highlighted that she was constantly clicking into the wrong tools as she'd have a particular email account open in one tab, and need to access her Google Workspace for that particular email account, but the Google Workspace that opened would be for a different email account. Further, her bookmarks were not organized intuitively and she could not bucket logins for her separate email accounts.


"Before finding Shift, it was chaos; constantly burning out my computer's fan."

Kate came across Shift after seeing one of her colleagues using it and has been a paid user since November 2020. 

Getting the Most Out Of Shift

For Kate, Shift has helped her work more effectively by allowing her to bucket her workflows, separating the different business entities and working accounts that she has to work out of in her day-to-day. Unlike in her native browser, Shift keeps her signed in to multiple email accounts at one time and the sidebar gives her the structure she needs to effectively search for company-specific materials (e.g. branding files). 


Kate really relies on Shift for managing her multiple email accounts (both Outlook and Gmail) and takes full advantage of the direct integration with her calendars and Drives, quickly toggling to them in the email account instance rather than needing a separate tab open.

In addition to multiple work email accounts and a personal inbox, Kate has added Slack, Trello, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, WhatsApp, and Skype to her set-up. She's also set up a "Kate's Space" Workspace where she's bookmarked all the web tabs she needs to access throughout her day. See below for a screengrab of what Kate's Shift looks like! 👇


Food for Thought from Kate

When we asked Kate why she was willing to pay for a productivity app such as Shift, she explained that she prioritizes the organization of her email accounts and apps because those are the things that take time to navigate between. When breaking down Shift's price point ($99.99/year), the 27 cents she pays each day is absolutely negligible compared to the time she gains by keeping her digital workflow organized. 

“Without Shift, I would spend 25 minutes each morning opening up my tools and signing in. I could have gotten so much done in that time and already have had a meeting."

In need of personal or commercial insurance? Get in touch with the team at Bigfoot, here.

What's next?

Ready to try Shift for yourself? Download now!

Find quick tips and best practices in our Getting Started section here.

Read about other Shift Case Studies here.

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